![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:30 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Ranked in numerical hierarchy
1. An alternate timeline in which JFK, RFK, and MLK Jr. were not assassinated. (
think I may actually want to live in this one)
2. An alternate timeline in which Abraham Lincoln was not assassinated.
3. Alternate timeline in which Al Gore was elected president in 2000
4. An alternate timeline in which Japan never attacked Pearl Harbor. (to see just how far American isolationism could go)
Comment below with your thoughts or alternate timelines.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:38 |
we are already living in the darkest timeline, the one where captain america is a hydra agent and the blackhawks and blue jackets got swept out of the playoffs in the first round (and yes i know the jackets did win at least one game)
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:41 |
Some people might view the Blackhawks getting swept as a good thing. Most people, in fact.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:42 |
blackhawks = hockey right?
blue jackets??????
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:45 |
I think you might be surprised by the timelines in which people weren’t assassinated. The deaths of prominent figures in political movements have quite a galvanising effect for their supporters and those on the edge of supporting them. They provide martyrs around which causes can gather. You may well end up with a much worse outcome.
Similarly with Gore being elected. As far as I can tell a lot of the more questionable decisions in politics recently (Brexit, Trump etc.) seem to be fuelled by a sort of conservative backlash against a period of progressive liberal rule. I wonder if that would be stronger now had that progressive period been longer. Perhaps not, but it’s an interesting dynamic.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:46 |
those people are loons
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:47 |
both hockey, blue jackets are columbus’ NHL team
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:47 |
“4. An alternate timeline in which Japan never attacked Pearl Harbor. (to see just how far American isolationism could go)“
I’d say change this the to Germans never sinking the Lusitania. we could probably prolong joining the Great war had they not sunk her, even if she was technically a valid target with a hull full of arms. that more or less started the decay of the post american imperial age of teddy Roosevelt and allowed for the revamp into that in the post ww2 days.
but that’s just me being nit picky... though having said that if we stuck to our neutral standing for both the wars, of course had we not joined the great war then demanded soo much from Germany as payment fro the great war would there ever been a 2nd? any ways what was I saying.. Oh yes, I would love to see what a world were Wilson stood his ground and keep america truly neutral during the great war and let Europe sort it out on their own term..
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:50 |
There are more non Blackhawks fans in the world then there are Blackhawks fans. The Blackhawks were lifting the cup less than 48 months ago, while plenty of fans of other teams have never seen a Stanley Cup win. The only people not old enough to have seen a Blackhawks Cup Victory are toddlers. This isn’t the same as the Cubs winning the world series and everybody being happy for the 90 year old fans.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:53 |
Personally I want to visit an alternate timeline where NASA became a nuke happy space agency where Project Orion and the NERVA program were not shut down, but received all the funding they needed.
I suspect that if that occurred, we might not have as much scientific data about the cosmos (due to various probe and the shuttle program money being funnelled into nuclear rocket research), but we would have a permanent orbital and lunar infrastructure by now.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:54 |
so because they win a lot they dont deserve to win again? i mean arguably they did give up this year but they shouldnt roll over just to give some less fortunate team a chance? do you feel the same way about the kings who also won it twice in a 4 year span? or the penguins who look like they have a fairly good shot of repeating? like if they reach the finals should they just let the western team win since two of them have never won a cup and the other two havnt won in a while? cause thats not how competition should work
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:56 |
I’m not saying that they should never win again, I’m just saying that a first round sweep of the Blackhawks is not at all evidence of being the darkest timeline.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:58 |
Disclaimer: My buddy and I started getting into hockey before my last AFG deployment, we came home and drifted apart and I never returned to watching hockey.
And I kind of feel obligated to like it since I live in Nashville.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 10:58 |
well i also mentioned that combined with captian america being a hyrda agent (even if he has just been brainwashed into thinking that) and the blue jackets also losing in the first round
![]() 04/28/2017 at 11:00 |
Space colonies? Awesome future!
![]() 04/28/2017 at 11:04 |
I forgot about the Great War altogether I feel bad now.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 11:05 |
Right. You claimed that we were living in the darkest timeline, and then you provided 3 things that attempted to support that statement. I was simply stating that one of those things wasn’t a good example of being in the darkest timeline.
I’ve been watching hockey for several decades, and I’ve never seen my team win the cup. Also, the only time I’ve seen my team in the finals, it was against a Blackhawks team that had already won a Cup a few years earlier. So I’m sorry if I don’t have a lot of sympathy for Blackhawks fans moaning because they haven’t won a cup in 2 years and they got swept.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 11:08 |
How about a timeline where Gavrilo Princip decides to say “nah.”
![]() 04/28/2017 at 11:13 |
And where the Leafs not only made it but took the President’s Trophy winners to game 6
![]() 04/28/2017 at 11:17 |
it’s ok it’s really not your fault. Because we came out of ww2 such a strong victories winner we tend to forget why there was even a second world war at all. in the same vein we get hung up on who the Nazi’s where and what they did instead of the conditions that created them. We also forget there wasn’t a world war till america join in the fight, it was merely a great war before we got into it! ww2 is literally the best squeal of all time!
![]() 04/28/2017 at 11:21 |
that doesnt make sense if youre a flyers fan i understand watching for decades and not seeing a cup but when the hawks beat them in 2010 that was the first time since the 60s they won, if youre a bruins fan they won in 2011 and the hawks beat them in 2013, and if youre a tampa fan they won in 04, so not sure why youd say youve been watching your team for decades and they only time theyve been in the final it was against the hawks in which they won two years prior, unless youre talking about the 60s
![]() 04/28/2017 at 11:24 |
The events that led to the Nazi’s taking power seem to be similar to the populist/low information era we live in now.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 11:31 |
No, you’re right. I made a mistake on the Internet and I’m admitting it. I’m a Flyers fan. I forgot that when they beat the Flyers that was the first of their recent wins, not the second. My mistake. That doesn’t change the fact that the Blackhawks have won it three times in the last decade, and 6 times total. My team won it twice, both times before I was born. I think it important to have lots of competition. I’d never want the Blackhawks to just concede to another team and let them win. You have to earn it. Chicago has been a great team, and they’ve earned their recent success. But I’m still allowed to dislike them.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 11:39 |
Alternative timeline were the U.S. stuck with the articles of confederation and never ratified the Constitution. Now that would be funky.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 11:43 |
Give me the TL;DR of the differences between the two.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 12:11 |
The alternate timeline in which I was the sole winner of last year’s 1.6 billion dollar Powerball...
![]() 04/28/2017 at 12:16 |
AoC: States had 99% of the power. Feds couldn’t tax or have an Army. Basically every state was it’s own country. The Federal government was just there to deal with other countries basically.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 12:17 |
on the fringe I would agree with it. but imagine that after we lost Vietnam war (you know if it was a real war) we had to repay the total cost of the war to every one and that cost would basically take us a 1000 years to recoup because our currency was worth less than the paper and ink it was printed with. Then also added a huge economical depression on top of this to the mix. that’s basically what happened. because remember the Germans didn’t even start the great war, they only responded to their alley’s request for support. How ever they also happen to be the best war state in Europe so it was easy to pin the whole thing on them.
Much in the same way people like to forget the Vietnam war was a french war.
I know there’s no real parallels between Vietnam and either world wars. but it’s a useful tool.
but that’s kind of my point too the great war was nothing but a bunch of alliances falling in line then kind of getting stuck in a meat grinder situation were there were only two possibilities. let them fight it out for how long that would or there needed to be an introduction of new nations to help bolster the lines in one sides favor. we just happen go to the English, french and Russians (whom were huge allies till we shit all over them post ww2, which naturally pissed them off and gave us the cold war, but that’s a whole other story.) which made crushing the Germans that much easier. plus by the time we join things had started to some what already turn in favor of “our” allies so it made it all that much easier to come in and end things. what we shouldn’t have done was given our “allies” so much pull in the post war negotiations.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 12:21 |
We also forget there wasn
t a world war till america join in the fight
Japan would beg to differ since they’d already been fighting the Germans as an ally of Russia and the UK in the Pacific years before and the Southern Atlantic/Med slightly before America got in the game.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 12:23 |
ah, but it was just just a great war! because they shared continents with an alley. on which fighting was occurring. it was’t global till america came into the mix. there were canadian forces under the british control too but still that just makes for a great war.. :P
![]() 04/28/2017 at 12:29 |
I want the timeline with six seasons and a movie
![]() 04/28/2017 at 12:31 |
Yes well at least six seasons directed by Harmon.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 12:33 |
I’d like a time line where the Cubs and Red Sox didn’t win world series.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 12:38 |
lol, and the collective sigh of boston accents and midwestern “don’tchoknows” heaved all at once.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 12:49 |
Mainly because Cubs spring training stadium is directly on my commute home.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 12:57 |
lol because Arizona
![]() 04/28/2017 at 13:21 |
Pretty much. During the “cold” months I’m convinced the population doubles with people from the North.
![]() 04/28/2017 at 13:36 |
![]() 04/28/2017 at 20:45 |
So the Federal Government was basically their PR Guy?
![]() 04/28/2017 at 20:47 |
But didn’t AL Gore already win the election?
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![]() 04/28/2017 at 21:21 |
Sweet. Other than the army/navy isn’t that what you are supposed to have?
![]() 04/28/2017 at 21:48 |
The only way to win, is not to play.
![]() 07/22/2018 at 08:54 |
Let me visit one where Sega Dreamcast was a super successful console.
I’d totally live in it.